Ardenwald-Johnson Creek

A Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon


Ardenwald-Johnson Creek

Nature, Nature, nature…With a large amount of greenery with the Tideman Johnson Natural area, homes typically sit back from the street with more land than inner SE homes.

Considered by many a more affordable bedroom community of Sellwood and Eastmoreland as it touches the borders for both neighborhoods and straddles Portland and Milwaukie.

Close to Milwaukie’s downtown, it offers the amenities of a sweet core of businesses including Farmer’s Market, wine bar, tasty restaurant spots, and a beloved bowling alley!

The Springwater Corridor Trail crosses the north side of Ardenwald and has two access points to enter the 21-mile bike and running path between Portland and Boring, Oregon.

Some find the proximity to Portland a huge draw, especially if you land on the Milwaukie side of this neighborhood for lower property taxes.


The Important Stuff






*data courtesy of Portland Monthly 2019 Real Estate Guide stats are for Portland side of this neighborhood.

Neighborhood Details

HOME INFO - 2019*

  • Median home cost $462,000

  • Cost per SQFT $220

  • Average days on market 41

  • Average year built 1941


  • Walk score 55

  • Minutes to downtown by car 16

  • Number of transit lines max/streetcar/tram lines 6

  • Miles of bike routes (lanes, blvd, multi-use paths) 3

  • Miles of bike routes (all) per square mile 7.8

SCHOOLS - Portland Side

  • Elementary: Duniway, Lewis

  • Middle: Sellwood

  • High School: Cleveland

SCHOOLS - Milwaukie Side

  • Elementary: Ardenwald

  • Middle: Rowe

  • High: Milwaukie

Always verify the accuracy of schools for homes for sale in the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek neighborhood as boundaries may have changed. Since it straddles Portland and Milwaukie, depending on where you are in the neighborhood determines your catchment schools

Get an overview of schools on PPS's general school map here

View the PPS school finder for a specific address here.

North Clackamas school map for the Milwaukie side of the neighborhood here.

Ready to start your own search and find the home of your dreams?

Homes for Sale in the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood

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