Spanish Speaking Real Estate Agent, Portland, Oregon

Let’s Make Home Ownership a Reality


Search Now For Your Perfect Home

Searching for homes for sale is an exciting venture - finding the perfect one takes focus.

Choosing Francisco and Kim as your real estate brokers is a game-changing decision. They are attentive listeners who prioritize your vision, ensuring that every transaction isn't just efficient but also unforgettable. Their combined experience of over 30 years in the Portland community allows them an unrivaled knowledge of both its nooks and broader offerings, from fixer-uppers to new builds, and from established neighborhoods to the freshest hotspots.

Beyond just locating a house, their extensive background in home renovations offers you a unique lens to see potential and possibilities in any property. Their flair as artists further amplifies this skill, helping you imagine how any space can be tailored to your dream. And once that dream home is in sight, they leverage their seasoned negotiation skills to craft an offer that is both compelling to sellers and favorable to you. With Francisco and Kim, you aren't just getting agents; you're gaining trusted allies every step of the journey.


The Ultimate First-Time Buyers Guide

Not only are we real estate brokers but are artists, remodelers, photographers, and homeowners as well. These skills help our clients see real possibilities when buying.

Francisco and Kim were responsive and took me into the home-buying process with skill and knowledge. They got to know my lifestyle and future needs creating trust and a lasting admiration for their Professionalism. They are extremely detail-oriented. As a newcomer, their Community knowledge was so important but they always put my needs first. Their technical knowledge and skill was excellent but just as important was their character integrity and ability to understand what I needed. I am grateful to Francisco and Kim and it was such a pleasure to become a client and friend.
