400+ New Apartments Coming to Sellwood Westmoreland
This post has been updated to a more complete index of projects happening in Sellwood Moreland, please click here.
7924 SE Milwaukie Ave
New two story four unit apartment structure behind existing single family residence which will remain. – as of 4/16
7924 SE Milwaukie Ave
7116 SE 16th Ave
Small mixed use building with retail, private parking on grd floor for the owner. Apartments on second and third floors and owner’s residence on top floor. – as of 4/16
7116 SE 16th Ave
Milwaukie Way & Claybourne
Two new buildings for office and retail use to the south and west of an existing older commercial building on the site, creating a pedestrian walkway between the existing and new buildings. Design by Benjamin Waechter. – as of 4/16
Get involved
On the neighborhood level:
Go to your neighborhood Association meeting.
SMILE - Sellwood Moreland Improvement League meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from 7:30 am - 9 am.
Locate your Neighborhood Association here.
On the City level:
Searching for more information on Portland's 2035 Compreshensive Plan Draft for the city of Portland can go here to the City of Portland's website.
Public hearing on Commissioner-sponsored amendments to the Recommended Comprehensive Plan. Written testimony about the potential Council amendments will be accepted until 5 p.m. on April 27, 2016 at Council Chambers 1221 SW 4th Ave. Oral testimony on April 27 will be limited to those signed up to speak on April 20 who were not able to testify that day. Written testimony about the potential Council amendments will be accepted until 5 p.m. on April 27. Comments can be sent via email to cputestimony@portlandoregon.gov, submitted online via the Map App, mailed to the Council Clerk (1221 SW Fourth Ave., Room 130, Portland OR 97204), or delivered to the Council Clerk during the hearing on April 27.
On April 26th 2016, 5:00 PM to 7:45 PM at Midland Library, 805 SE 122nd Ave. There is a drop in time for the Mixed Use Zones project. If you are impacted by the mixed-use zone changes you can drop in to chat with planning staff about proposed zoning changes for centers and corridors. 13th Avenue, Tacoma Street, Milwaukie Avenue, 17th Street and McLoughlin Blvd are the mixed-use corridors in our neighborhood.
The project addresses issues that arise with new more intensive mixed use buildings, such as: massing and design, transitions and step-downs, and ground floor uses. It also addresses other opportunities to realize Comprehensive Plan goals and policies through regulations and incentives in the development process. Drop in to chat with project staff planners about the Mixed Use Zones Project process, and how proposed changes may affect new development in Portland’s neighborhoods. There will be no formal presentation.
Mixed Use Zones Project Neighborhood Drop-In Hours
Midland Library, 805 SE 122nd Ave